Restauration de tableaux anciens - Version française
Fine art restoration studio "L'Accro des Toiles" - Christelle Chazeau and Alain Montoir

Photo haut intervention bois
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 Repair work on wood supports
Throughout the centuries many painted works were made on wood (paintings, polychrome statues…). Wood is sensitive to hygrometric changes and is all to often a victim of fissures, without discussing xylophages, which weaken it. A cleaning procedure using an "anoxia" treatment is strongly recommended. Cabinetwork is extremely delicate and calls for special training in the knowledge of pictorial works.

The making of stretcher frames The making of stretcher frames
Some old stretchers too damaged to be kept and restored have to be replaced by a new frame.

Skilled woodworking
Placing under vacuum Placing under vacuum
With the example of work done on a wooden frame and panel.

© 2012 - L'accro des toiles - Alain Montoir & Christelle Chazeau - All rights reserved